Well, we had a break in the clouds, but I knew it wouldnt last long. I've been wanting to try the new scope out on a planetary object. Lemme see, I had a choice of Mars, Jupiter or the moon. Being I only photographed Mars once before, and it didnt really come out too good, I thought I'd go ahead and try to get Mars thru the new scope.
I ran across a problem in Registax. I took 2 AVI's, one was about 3000 frames, the other 2000 frames. The 3000 frame one would not load, no matter what I did. I ran it through VirtualDub, and I even tried opening it in Registax 5, but no joy. Therefore, the only image I'll post is of the 2000 frame stack.
This is the full frame. I believe northeast is up. North polar cap is there. Some dark markings, but I'm no mars expert. This is the first time I have even SEEN mars thru a telescope that I can remember.
I used the C6-NGT to take this image, 750mm with a 3X barlow into the Quickcam Pro 4000 webcam. Seeing wasn't too good, it appeared to be bouncing around a fair amount on the screen. Transparency wasn't too bad while the frame was shot.
Here is a resized image using the same AVI
I was actually somewhat surprised that I was able to get this much detail on this object, considering it is only in the neighborhood of 14 arc seconds across.
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